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What Would You Like to Know?
What is Kitchen Parade all about?
What is Kitchen Parade's email address?
Looking for a recipe you saw in print?
How to find a specific recipe or a recipe with a specific ingredient
How to learn about new recipes
Is it okay to leave a comment?
How do you calculate the nutrition estimates?
What about salt? What salt does Kitchen Parade use?
What does it mean to "Alanna-size" a recipe?
What is Kitchen Parade all about? Kitchen Parade is the food and recipe column written since 2002 by Alanna Kellogg, a second-generation food writer and a home cook in a home kitchen in suburban St. Louis. It features fresh seasonal recipes for everyday healthful eating and occasional indulgences. It looks like a food blog but is subtly different. Every week, Alanna publishes Seasonal Sundays, a collection of seven seasonal recipes; plus personal recommendations on books, kitchen tools and more, especially Democracy Matters, a resource of fact-based writing and encouragement for democracy warriors and anti-authoritarian everyday citizens. Read more about Kitchen Parade, its history, its author, its inspiration.
What is Kitchen Parade's email address? I love hearing from readers! Just drop me a quick note via kitchenparade@gmail.com. I do change addresses every so often, the current address is always posted here.
How to print a recipe A new print-recipe function is in the works but until then, I recommend:
COPY/PASTE FUNCTION is available on both desktop and mobile devices, use it to copy and then paste a recipe into an application you can print from (e-mail, notes, Google Docs, word processing, etc.), then printing from there.
A "HACK" One hack that intrigues me is to use your Contacts to store recipes. This technique has lots of upsides: if you back up your Contacts, it's backed up; it's easy to use Groups for organization, perhaps one group for your favorite recipes, another for recipes you'd like to try; it's searchable and shareable; it's accessible on both desktop and mobile both; it's easy to add your own notes; it's easy to check the ingredient list at the grocery store; and yes, it's printable.
Looking for a recipe you saw in print? Beginning in 2005, all columns are online and can be most easily found via Recipes by Year or by using the Search function at the top of each page. While most 2002 - 2004 columns are online, some aren't. Naturally I’m happy to forward what you're looking for, just drop me an e-mail via kitchenparade@gmail.com.
How to find a specific recipe If you remember the key ingredients or parts of the recipe's name, find the search box at the top of each page, enter those keywords, odds are high it'll pop right up. If you remember approximately when the recipe was published, check Recipes by Year. If you remember a main ingredient, check Recipes by Ingredient. If the recipe was published quite recently, check Recent Recipes.
Because many readers also follow A Veggie Venture, my food blog about vegetables with more from-scratch recipes using whole, healthful ingredients, home to the famous Alphabet of Vegetables, check the search bar at the top of each page there plus its very own Recent Recipes.
If you still can't find what you're looking for, let me know via kitchenparade@gmail.com. I'm happy to help!
How to learn about new recipes New recipes post several times a month, usually on Wednesdays. But to never miss a single recipe, Kitchen Parade is also available via a free e-mail subscription (here's how to subscribe).
Is it okay to leave a comment? Yes! I love to hear from readers! And everyone is welcome to comment, you needn't be a food blogger. Writing can be a lonely enterprise so your comments often make my day – I thank you!
If you're intrigued by a column or it triggers a memory or if you make a similar dish: please tell. If you don't understand a technique, wonder about a substitution, question a quantity: please ask. If you tried a recipe and loved it, or tried a recipe and applied a personal touch: please share!
To comment, look for "Join the Conversation" at the very bottom of any recipe page and scroll past comments left by other readers, then write your comment in the comment box. To "sign" your comment, leave your name in the Name field (in Name/URL) – or a nickname or something like "Karen from Minnesota" or even choose "Anonymous". No one, including me, will know more information than you leave, including your e-mail address. You may press "preview" to look over your message, otherwise just press "publish". You'll be asked to type some odd-looking letters in order to publish; this is a pain but prevents an onslaught of automated spam comments. FYI I check for comments about once a week.
How do you calculate the nutrition estimates? When I switched to a Mac in 2008, I also converted to MacGourmet, including its nutrition calculator. I love it! Each recipe, each ingredient, is personally selected by me and I go to considerable effort to ensure that each one accurately reflects the nutrition in the recipe.
Unfortunately, when I replace my old Mac in 2022, MacGourmet was no longer supported. I haven't found an acceptable substitute yet.
What does it mean to "Alanna-size" a recipe? Regular readers know how committed I am to helping people, myself included, make informed food choices. That's why nearly every recipe includes nutrition information and Weight Watchers points.
But it goes further than that. To me, every-day food is the stuff we can eat in reasonable quantities every single day and indulgences are special treats for every once in awhile.
Even before I started to write Kitchen Parade in 2002, I was removing unnecessary fat and sugar from recipes and creating "real-life" portion sizes.
My St. Louis friends started to call these smaller, lower-fat and less-sweet recipes "Alanna-sized" and the term stuck.
Over the years, I've perfected the basic technique, learning to add or increase low- or no-calorie ingredients and flavors to recipes where I've removed fat and sugar.
My goal is to make food "satisfying" – just enough but not too much.
What about salt? It's a salty situation. Here's the scoop.
For many years, Kitchen Parade used only three types: for every day, table salt and kosher salt; for occasional special dishes, a finishing salt such as Maldon, fleur de sel.
- TABLE SALT So if one of my recipes includes table salt, assume any fine-grained iodized salt.
- Table salt has become passé. But table salt is less expensive than other salts; so I still use it for salting water for pasta, say. And table salt's grains are fine and thus distribute so widely and evenly; so I also continue to use it for baking.
- I always use Morton Iodized Salt, that's the dark blue canister with the little girl in a yellow dress carrying an umbrella.
- KOSHER SALT If a recipe lists kosher salt without naming a brand, assume Morton's Kosher Salt.
- In Kitchen Parade's early years, I used Morton's Kosher Salt almost exclusively because it was the only kosher salt readily found in grocery stores. I just didn't want to use another salt that was hard/impossible for readers/followers to find and pricey if found.
- BTW, just FYI, the opposite is true especially in recipe magazines and sites like New York Times Cooking. Their older recipes say "kosher salt" but very likely mean Diamond Crystal.
- FINISHING SALTS These are pricey salts, sprinkled in tiny amounts across the top of a dish, they "finish" it with something special, tiny bursts of delicate saltiness.
WHY KOSHER SALT MEASUREMENTS ARE MESSY Kosher salt is so dang confusing anymore. 🙄. Here's what it's all about, why it pays to pay attention and even post these equations inside a cupboard door.
Unfortunately, there's no "measure for measure" (or "teaspoon for teaspoon") substitutions for the two most readily available brands of kosher salts, Morton and Diamond Crystal, the salt long preferred by chefs and gourmet cooks but also, until the early 2020s, more difficult to find and more expensive.
Once Diamond Crystal became readily available, even sold at Trader Joe's, I started to use it too. It is a more delicate-tasting salt but really, I don't get the fuss. Still, as I update Kitchen Parade recipes, I update the salt measurements for both brands of kosher.
But here's the risk of assuming that kosher salt is kosher salt. It's not.
When measuring by volume (say, by teaspoons), under-seasoning a dish that can't really be fixed (like a casserole, say) or probably worse, inadvertently over-salting a dish and at the table, finding it inedible.
WHAT'S DIFFERENT BETWEEN THE TWO SALTS? The irregular shapes of Diamond Crystal's flakes take up more physical space than the more evenly shaped Morton's.
That means for equivalent saltiness when using one instead of the other and measuring by volume, you should aim to use about 25% more Diamond Crystal (if Morton's is specified or assumed) or about 75% Morton's (if Diamond Chrystal is specified or assumed).
This applies only when measuring by volume. These equations don't matter whenever you're salting to taste (which we should all be doing) or measuring by weight (which isn't common in home kitchens since our scales just aren't good enough to make much of a distinction between, say, a quarter teaspoon of salt and a half teaspoon of salt.
But word to the wise, when a salt volume is specified, pay attention.
SUBSTITUTION MATH FOR SEA SALT Most sea salts are probably closer to Diamond Crystal, you'll have to figure out with trial, error and experience your particular brand since there are hundreds, maybe more, brands.
SUBSTITUTION MATH FOR TABLE SALT It's a whole 'nother kettle of fish salt. What about if you have table salt and the recipe calls for kosher salt. Its grains are so small and even, I'd probably use half the measured amount of kosher.
What about the photographs? I take all the photographs myself. Food photography is a continuing challenge but I am happy to be seeing steady improvements, the longer I practice the craft, even with pretty basic equipment, especially compared to other food bloggers. Mostly, I just try to make the food look real – and with any luck, to send other home cooks straight into the kitchen, recipe in hand.
Until 2008, I used a small 5.1mpx point-and-shoot camera that was so small, it got tucked into my purse and pocket ALL the time. I called it the "baby Nikon" but Nikon prefers the name Nikon Coolpix S1. The S1 model is no longer available but I still like the current Coolpix cameras.
In 2008, I converted to a Canon Digital Rebel although sorry, again, the specific model is no longer available. Many food bloggers love-love their Rebels but Canon and I just didn't think alike. Maybe because before digital, I had a Nikon SLR?
So in 2010, I switched back to Nikon with a Nikon D90 with a 35mm lens, the first digital camera gear that "thinks like me".
Then in 2015, I upgraded again, again with Nikon, this time to the wonderful Nikon D7100. I also often rely on a compact, lightweight tripod and a "bounce flash".
Until 2013, the outdoor shots were taken in my back yard in the St. Louis (Missouri) suburb of Kirkwood that proved decidedly photogenic: a brick patio with a vine-topped wall, a split-rail fence, beautiful trees (tree people will recognize a mature cherry, a slowly maturing dogwood, mature oaks and sweet gums in the background and a huge weeping fir) and my flower gardens, mostly perennials. Other shots are taken at the kitchen table, a few in the dining room, and during the winter when natural light was scarce, I used a "bounce flash". I love seeing all those shots, good memories of that nice little house in the suburbs!
Beginning in 2008 and then exclusively in 2013 when I moved to live with The Man With the Hands, most shots are taken in our home here in suburban St. Louis.
The dishes are usually odd pieces picked up for a dollar or two, ones that let the food be the focus, otherwise, they're the dishes we use every day. I inherited not only my mom's love for a pretty table but also several sets of her dishes, you'll definitely see them throughout the site.
Would you like to publish a photograph from Kitchen Parade? All content on Kitchen Parade is the original creation and property of Kitchen Parade (unless otherwise noted). You may use photos from Kitchen Parade online, just follow these terms:
- (i) Credit the photo to Kitchen Parade directly below the photo with this text "photo provided courtesy of Kitchen Parade" (or something similar, your choice).
- (ii) Link the photo and the text "Kitchen Parade" back to
. - (iii) Do not "hot link" the photo, load it onto your own site.
- (iv) Do not use a photo for commercial purposes.
- (v) Do not alter, transform, or build upon a photo.
These terms apply only to publishing photographs online. For information about the use of photographs in print or any other medium, please contact Kitchen Parade at kitchenparade@gmail.com.
Photo Policy adopted 7/14/10, revised 10/1/10Advertising & Product Reviews
ADVERTISING Advertising contributes to Kitchen Parade's grocery budget and operating expenses. If you represent a cookbook or product, this is the fastest way to directly reach the readers of both Kitchen Parade and my food blog A Veggie Venture. Please contact me via kitchenparade@gmail.com for more information.
PRODUCT REVIEWS Occasionally publishers and product companies offer to send complimentary copies and samples. I am happy to accept! and at the same time, offer these thoughts.
For KITCHEN PARADE: I occasionally mention cookbooks, products and ingredients that fit Kitchen Parade's mission of "fresh, seasonal recipes for everyday healthful living and occasional indulgences"; that I especially like; that I have learned to rely on over time; and that are readily available to Kitchen Parade's readers. If you represent a cookbook or product that fits, please send me an e-mail via kitchenparade@gmail.com for more information.
For A VEGGIE VENTURE: I never write product or cookbook reviews, per se, for A Veggie Venture, my food blog about vegetables. But since it's published online with a broad readership and is my food playground, I do create more latitude to mention books and products that are on topic (that is, somehow connected to vegetables) when they're ones I feel called to cook from and like and think my readers might, too. Here are examples, a cookbook example and a product example. Please note that both had "take-away lessons" that made them worth mentioning, beyond the products themselves. If you represent a cookbook or product that fits, please send an e-mail via kitchenparade@gmail.com for more information.
My Disclosure Promise
COMPLIMENTARY PRODUCTS Like many food bloggers, I occasionally accept complimentary cookbooks from publishers and food products from food manufacturers. Naturally, these companies send stuff hoping that I will write about them in a positive light. Here is my promise: when I do accept a product, I will (1) only mention a cookbook or a product that I actually use and really like myself and (2) disclose the conditions of accepting the gift.
AMAZON AFFILIATE COMMISSIONS When I link to a cookbook, food product or anything else sold on Amazon, if you purchase it (or anything else after following the link), I may earn a small commission, no extra cost to you.
Amazon requires the following disclosure: "We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites."
My Disclosure Promise Revised 8/27/19
Privacy Policy
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Google Kitchen Parade and A Veggie Venture use Google's AdSense program to display advertisements during your visits. Google may use information (NOT including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of particular interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice by Google and to specify your interests, please visit here. You may also opt out of having this information used by Google and some other advertising networks by visiting here. In addition:
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© Copyright Kitchen Parade
2002 – 2025
Thank you. Three years ago I achieved my goal with Weight Watchers. I maintained it for about a year. Now I am about 10 pounds over goal and have decided to go back to WW this week. YOU have inspired me.
ReplyDeleteHi Alanna,
ReplyDeleteI am trying to print the pumpkin lasagna recipe and have tried all of your suggestions. It does not print. Copy and paste to word -- appears on the computer document, but does not print,
Thank you
Da$&@;mn technology. If you would like to email me at blog At kitchen hyphen parade dot com, I'll fix you up. So sorry for extra effort.