Seasonal Sundays' Five-Year Anniversary: My Signature Recipes (Week 38)

It's a special celebration today, the fifth anniversary of Seasonal Sundays, this weekly collection of recipes and life ideas in and out of the kitchen. I thought for a long while about how to mark the occasion, could I serve everyone a beet salad? share a slice of bread warm from the oven? Ha, no such possibility. So instead, I spent a couple of weeks identifying my most personal recipes, that ones my husband, family and friends know as "mine". Even my favorite five-year old knows that her "Auntie Al" is famous for special foods, her personal favorite are Easy Easy Magical Jello Bites, preferably in rainbow colors. 😍 Here you go!

Seasonal Sundays, a weekly newsletter ♥, a seasonal collection of recipes and life ideas in and out of the kitchen.

Welcome to Seasonal Sundays ...

As always, thank you for inviting me into your InBox. I do so hope to kickstart your food imagination for the coming week ...

And I'm giving myself an AttaGirl.

Because in the long list of private stuff that's not widely known about me, despite living a life more public than most, is the fact that for the first years of my professional career in financial services and tech (not food!), I was a job hopper.

Don't get me wrong. I worked for just a couple of companies but moved from one spot to another, never in the same position for more than a year. I was a troubleshooter, a better fixer than a manager, someone who could go into a situation, figure it out, revamp it and then move on.

Then I left the corporate world to work for myself, consulting with banks and tech companies, so once again, flipping from one project to the next engagement.

So the fact that I started writing Kitchen Parade in 2002 and am still at it? Unbelievable!

And that I've been publishing this weekly newsletter since 2019 and here we are? Double unbelievable!

So yeah, it was exactly five years ago this week that I launched Seasonal Sundays. That first newsletter is both much like and much different than this, the 197th, yes, I count ...

Here's how I set out to make a difference to readers who follow Kitchen Parade and A Veggie Venture. I do wonder (please say!) if these goals are being met for you. Are they signature (ahem) elements of Seasonal Sundays?

  • ✅ LESS IS MORE Just a few ideas at a time, no "100 best chicken recipes" tomes or "50 ideas to make your life better" ridiculousness or "500 favorite zucchini recipes" to wade through. Seasonal. Practical. Do-Able.

  • ✅ LITTLE EXTRAS So much of life is just quick hits, right? So look for little stuff that might make a difference, quick, easy to absorb, easy to check out asap or later.

  • ✅ USEFUL More than anything, I hope that Seasonal Sunday editions make a difference in your life. Like the single line from a poem that resonates. Like a frozen custard that tastes so good, once you lick all the way down to the cone.

  • ✅ ON THE FLY & ON THE PHONE You're busy, right? And reading on the fly and often on your phone? I'll work hard to use headlines and images to focus your attention so you can easily pick out what might be of interest / importance to you and fly past the rest.

Looking back, I'm pretty proud of those 2019 goals. All this time later, I still hew close: these four objectives remain top of mind, each and every week. And I sure hope it's obvious — or hmm, maybe not? Maybe it's like a streamlined recipe that just works, you don't even take note? Ha! That works too!

I also wonder how many of you reading today remember that very first newsletter? If so, THANK YOU! It means the world to be invited in your kitchen every week. Truly.

And to absolutely everyone who checks in for new recipes, explores older recipes, opens up Seasonal Sundays, zips over for veggie ideas for a Monday night, there's no code that makes my personal GRATITUDE as big as it fills my heart.

Really, thank you.

PS Have you ever thought about your own signature recipes? Is it easy? Or hard?? And here's a question, what makes a recipe a "signature"?

PPS Call me thrilled to learn early this morning that Seasonal Sundays and Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter share anniversaries! I wouldn't pretend they're in the same league (recipes vs democracy, weekly vs daily) but hey! it's good company!

In Praise Of ...

  • ... our almost-eight year old great-great niece got her ears pierced this summer so most mornings, she shows me the day's earrings and explains why she picked them, her grandmothers keep her well stocked! Me? I've been wearing versions of these small gold hoop earrings (affiliate link) since my own mom finally let me get me ears pierced when I was 17. They rarely leave my ears for long, because they're light and comfy, there's no "jabbing" at night or in a warm hug.

  • ... taking an instant like to our new neighbors, a young couple with two daughters and two goldendoodles originally from Montenegro, it took me a minute to get the unfamiliar names into my head ... it was a reminder how at the drivers license office in the last couple of weeks, how many languages were spoken by people in line, just parents with kids getting their first driving documents, just couples coming at the same time to renew their licenses ... the people working there are so so nice, so so patient, so so forgiving, but my goodness, "English only" seems out-of-date

  • ... don't get me wrong, I'm not going "full pumpkin" or "scary Halloween" until October 1 (standards!) but this week did begin switching out some of the summer-y things around the house for fall colors and dried leaves ...

Democracy Matters

The country needs calm, thoughtful and assertive voices amid the chaos inflicted by a minority hellbent on taking/retaining generational power by strangling democratic principles and equal rights. None of us have to personally change the world. We just have to do our part. Pick one thing for the top of your To Do List this week.

Democracy Matters Do Something graphic ♥

Whew. Was the presidential debate just five days ago? How is it possible that the these two candidates — one competent, prepared, experienced, human, controlled, warm, thoughtful and the other, um, COMPLETELY NOT — are polling neck and neck? SMH.

Three points resonated this week.

REALITY TV PROVED THAT LIKEABILITY IS OVER-RATED Do we abhor Trump and now Vance (and not just because Vance is his running mate, at least I didn't feel the same about Pence)? Intrigued? Read more. How a Naked Man on a Tropical Island Created Our Current Political Insanity. And jeez-loueez think how much of our headspace it takes to abhor someone so much.

CHAOS CONTROLS THE NEWS CYCLE & IT'S STRATEGY When we allow ourselves to get sucked in by the latest brouhaha (childless cat ladies; Haitian immigrants in Springfield, OH; white supremacist Laura Loomer's relationship with Trump; and on and on and on and ON). When we're talking about cat ladies (not that it isn't vile) and Haitian immigrants (not that real people in a real community aren't being harmed), it means we (and the media) are NOT thinking/talking about the big issues such as reproductive health care rights, voting rights, white nationalism, climate change, immigration, Russian interference in this 2024 election, Trump's $10 million gift from Egypt. See? Which issues have you heard about this week, unless you're super-tuned into the Harris-Walz campaign events? And that's on purpose.

There's another important piece here. Perhaps I'm realizing this about myself and it's different for others, but aren't we mostly talking about national candidates, not state and local candidates? Regular followers know how invested I am in flushing Trump a second time. But you know what? My state of Missouri will elect a new governor in November and the other day, I couldn't even name who's running. I fixed that and I sent money to Crystal Quade. But still.

LIVE IN A BLUE STATE & FEELING HELPLESS? YOU CAN STILL DO SOMETHING Activist Amy Siskind is organizing door-knocking groups in Pennsylvania, probably the best way to keep up on that is to look her up on Facebook, Amy Siskind (just following her won't help much, thank you, stupid FB algorithms). Activist David Pepper writes about "galvanizing circles" raising money targeted at particular states and particular candidates.

THE SEASONAL SEVEN: My Signature Recipes

On my, it was sooooo hard to choose! I've been cooking for so long! I have so many favorites! I love to experiment but I really double down on certain recipes, moving as close to perfection as I can imagine. And besides, at one time or another, every single Kitchen Parade recipe was a "signature" even if briefly.

But to mark this five-year anniversary of Seasonal Sundays, I (somehow, painfully and painstakingly) chose seven recipes that family and friends know me for, not just as "good food" (which I suspect hope is my real signature) but as specific, particular recipes. To narrow the choices down, I stuck with ...

  • ... mostly savory recipes, maybe the sweet side can be featured on the sixth anniversary? Or the tenth?!
  • ... mostly recipes to enjoy year-round, even if for my family, Christmas Trifle and Easter's Hot Cross Buns show up each and every year
  • ... a mix of every-day and special-occasion recipes
My Guacamole, the restaurant-style house recipe ♥ Very Weight Watchers Friendly. Unusually Low Cal. Low Carb. Vegan. Gluten Free. Weeknight Easy, Weekend Special.

Easy Everyday Bread for the Stand Mixer ♥ Keeps for Days. Adaptable & Budget Friendly.

World's Best Green Bean Casserole ♥, yesterday's comfort food made with fresh green beans and fresh mushrooms, no canned beans, no cream of mushroom soup. Rave reviews since 2006.

Finnish Salmon Soup (Lohikeitto) ♥ Finland's 'soul food,' steaming bowls of salmon and potato in a creamy broth.

My Chicken Noodle Soup ♥, meaty and noodle-y with a special technique to plump up just a few noodles. Low Carb. High Protein.

Calico Beans aka Alanna's Famous Cowboy Beans ♥, a potluck favorite. High Protein. Slow Cooker Friendly. Great for Meal Prep.

No-Chill Cutout Sugar Cookies for Halloween ♥, just mix and roll, no need to wait. Mix and bake in under an hour.

What's Brand-Spankin' New?!

Wondering about a recipe from the last while? Check Recent Recipes from Kitchen Parade and Recent Vegetable Recipes from A Veggie Venture.

Homemade Onion Dip, another creative appetizer ♥ for chips, burgers, veggies, stuffed celery, toast, crackers and more.

Pesto Pasta Primavera, another vegetarian Quick Supper ♥ All about the vegetables, just a little pasta.

September: Reader Favorites

Twenty-Minute Taco Bar, another Quick Supper ♥ Just four steps, then feast.

September: Lost Recipes

Quick Brown Bread, an old-fashioned molasses bread ♥ No Egg. No Added Fat. No Yeast.

The Kitchen Parade Almanac: Looking Ahead ...

  • September 22nd - First Day of Fall in the Northern Hemisphere
  • October 1st - Alanna's Unofficial First Day of Fall
  • October 2nd - 4th - Rosh Hashanah
  • October 11th - 12th - Yom Kippur
  • October 14th - Canadian Thanksgiving
  • October 14th - Columbus Day (also Indigenous Peoples' Day)
  • October 31st - Halloween

Looking Back ...

Soups & Salads Especially for September

Seasonal Soups & Salads for September, late-summer and early-fall recipes ♥ A Veggie Venture, packed with fresh vegetables and all our favorite pantry ingredients.

Good to Know!

Two ways to make fresh Homemade Ricotta ♥, just milk, lemon and salt. Easy and delicious! Many tips, including skinny and creamy versions. Just Three or Four Ingredients. Great for Meal Prep. Low Carb. Naturally Gluten Free.

Silly (But Fun?!) Food Holidays

The Best No-Recipe Recipe I Made This Week

Potatoes + Lemon + Tomato + Tuna + Feta = A Lovely Supper

When the fridge seems almost empty, I love to push it another day or two, figuring out dinners with what remains on hand. This night, I cooked some wrinkled up potato chunks with lemon juice, water, salt and pepper until they were cooked, then tucked in some tiny also-wrinkly mini tomato halves and slices of fresh tuna from the freezer drizzled with more lemon juice and some feta, then roasted it all at low temp for about 20 minutes. So good!!

Our fish subscription service (Sitka Seafood) sends a lot of fresh tuna and I'm struggling find ways to use it. It's just so ... dry, even when barely cooked. Has anyone solved this? I've done medallions in the skillet, barely cooked, but would like something more every-day, less high-brow.

Sam's Club Test Kitchen

A couple of years back, Sam's had a similar salad with dried strawberries, it was fabulous, especially with a bunch of fresh strawberries added in. All summer long, I served that salad, it took all of 5 minutes.

So no surprise that I'm in love with this Sweet Onion Apple Salad Kit. The greens are pretty! The apple chunks are fresh though to my taste, need cutting up a bit. The dressing is too sweet for my taste but with a little extra salt and pepper turns more savory.

I added fresh pear (oops, no apples in the house) to the fresh apple that comes in the kit, used about half the dressing on the greens, added some sliced chicken over top, drizzled the chicken some of the remaining dressing.

So good!!

A Quick Peek Into a Real-Life Kitchen

Just so you know, everything's not all pretty pictures around here, in the background is a pile of dirty dishes. And just like many (all?) of us, come five o'clock, I too draw a blank about what to make for supper, despite so many recipes I so dearly love. Here's a quick peek from this week.

Roasted Cauliflower, another vegetable classic ♥, recipe plus tips and tricks. Vegan. Gluten Free. Low Carb. Weight Watchers Friendly.
  • THIS WEEK Windows open, oven on. I may have a new goal for the rest of the year: roasted vegetables every single night. Can I do it? We shall see! (Join me?!) So good! (Don't skip the garlic!)
  • THE RECIPE Roasted Cauliflower The classic, including my tips and tricks.

Just Updated!

Lamb Roast with Greek Lemon-Oregano Potatoes ♥, an easy way to roast a leg of lamb, using just a handful of pantry ingredients.

DIY Spice Blends & Homemade Seasonings ♥, made to order, mixed to taste.

Something to Read

It's been 10 years since the Islamic terrorist group called Boko Haram kidnapped 276 teenage girls in Nigeria. Remember? No? More Info. Five girls were rescued in 2023 but more than 100 remain in captivity.

Girl is h - a - r - d to read. I know that only a small percentage of men are so awful. But really, WTF is it with men, toward women?

Watching Kamala dominate DonOLD during Tuesday's debate was cathartic to this woman. But we just know, don't we, that there are voters out there who feel personally attacked when a woman puts any man, however vile, in his rightful place. WTF?

Don't Be a Stranger ...

I'd love to hear from you. Comment, send me a quick e-mail (my current address is in the FAQs), dot-dash in Morse code, build a fire for smoke signals, launch a message in a bottle, send a Christmas letter, get the dog to yip, toss me a note wrapped in a rubberband, write a message in the sky, scratch a note in the sand, listen to a seashell, tuck a question into a plastic Easter egg, whatever.

  • Any advice for Seasonal Sundays?
  • Just one thing that would make it more useful for you?
  • Anything else? Chime in, chat away.

Kitchen Parade is written by second-generation food columnist Alanna Kellogg and features fresh, seasonal dishes for every-day healthful eating and occasional indulgences. Quick Suppers are Kitchen Parade favorites and feature recipes easy on the budget, the clock, the waistline and the dishwasher. Do you have a favorite recipe that other Kitchen Parade readers might like? Just send me a quick e-mail, you'll find my current address in the FAQs. How to print a Kitchen Parade recipe. Never miss a recipe! If you like this recipe, sign up for a free e-mail subscription. If you like Kitchen Parade, you're sure to like my food blog about vegetable recipes, too, A Veggie Venture. When you make my recipes, I'd love to know your results! Just leave a comment below or better still, on the specific recipe's page.

© Copyright Kitchen Parade

Alanna Kellogg
Alanna Kellogg

A Veggie Venture is home of "veggie evangelist" Alanna Kellogg and the famous asparagus-to-zucchini Alphabet of Vegetables.
