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Seasonal Sundays (Week 10) Rotisserie Chicken Recipes | ![]() |
Welcome to Seasonal Sundays ...
Hey, all. Thank you for following Kitchen Parade, for checking in on these Sunday recipe collections. It means the world to be welcomed into your InBox and RSS readers and most of all, your kitchens. So thank you, thank you. And if you like this week's recipes, perhaps you'll share them with a friend or social circle?
For many of us, this first week in March three years ago is when "2020" in all its fear and uncertainty really began. By the end of that New Definitely-Not-Normal month, I had zero memory of the first nine weeks of 2020, including a Florida trip that should have been more than memorable.
For the couple of weeks before, all the advice for my fellow bloggers and myself was to "not talk about it". Wow. How wrong that was. I was one of the very first to address that bit of horse-blinders, it's kinda interesting, if you'd like to take a quick look back. Remember those early days? even weeks? Gosh we've come a long way ...
About the Photo By Popular Request, a Little Insight into the Top Image: The first daffodil fronds appeared on New Year's Day, um, yes, months early. But now the daffodil fronds are thrusting sunward even as the first blossoms appear in sunny spots. Spring's early but ever so welcome.
In Praise Of ...
- ... staying humble, thanks to dumb stuff in the kitchen, this week forgetting the flour for a new muffin recipe, recognizing the batter looked odd but explaining it away by being short on a key ingredient, shortcutting a technique. Luckily, I realized before they went in the oven so I scraped the batter out of the muffin tins and added the flour. Better yet, they were delish! Maybe an Easter recipe?
- ... metal pie pans, if anyone's thinking of an upgrade before Pi Day, the crusts really do bake up more crisp and golden, as it should be. I bought a pair of these metal pie pans (affiliate link) at Thanksgiving and was very pleased. Pyrex and ceramic still works for My Favorite Graham Cracker Crust and similar crusts, however.
Democracy Matters
The country needs calm, thoughtful and assertive voices amid the chaos inflicted by a minority hellbent on taking/retaining generational power by strangling democratic principles and equal rights. None of us have to personally change the world. We just have to do our part. Pick one thing for the top of your To Do List this week.
Fox Not-News lies. On purpose. Knowing it lies. Over and over and over. It lies so often that watchers believe the repetitious barrage of lies. To keep viewers hooked. To protect its revenue sources. To curry favor with the far right. To remain relevant. The Tucker Carlsons know it. So do the father/son Murdoch owners.
But we are NOT without power to suck Fox dry.
A new team of organizers have created a way to do something about it, one advertiser at a time. Sign up for Check My Ads for a daily email with one quick method to ask big-name advertisers to stop funding an organization that's actively and knowingly undermining democracy. (That's https://checkmyads.org/fox/
We remain helpless only when we choose inaction.
Just Fun, Pure Fun ...
- Judy Bloom Goes All the Way, a loving connection with the woman who guided so many of us through confusing years
- The Timeless Draw of Decorating Cookies, and here I thought my No-Chill Cutout Sugar Cookies were pretty, these are amazing plus the story looks back over centuries of cooking baking
- THE RECIPE My Chicken Noodle Soup The way I make it, meaty and noodle-y with just a few noodles.
- ANOTHER TAKE Hamburger Soup A hearty soup with chunks of meat and a cornucopia of bright-colored vegetables.
- THE RECIPE Chicken Salad for Sandwiches Makes up in minutes with pantry ingredients.
- ANOTHER TAKE Easy Ham Salad Use up leftover ham from the freezer.
- THE RECIPE Chickpea & Chicken Salad Hearty and delicious with Indian-style spices.
- ANOTHER TAKE Chipotle Chickpea Salad A fresh, summer salad with a smidgin of heat, substantial enough for dinner.
- THE RECIPE Southwestern Chicken Taco Salad Plates A summery Quick Supper, no cooking required, just assembly.
- ANOTHER TAKE Mexican Chicken Salad Rotisserie chicken tossed with lime-yogurt vinaigrette, black beans, jicama, corn and tomato.
- THE RECIPE Chicken Greek Salad with Simple Hummus A Quick Supper, just assemble and serve, another good reason to eat at home!
- ANOTHER TAKE Mexican Chicken Salad Rotisserie chicken tossed with lime-yogurt vinaigrette, black beans, jicama, corn and tomato.
- THE RECIPE Easy Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas Quick way to get a green chile fix.
- ANOTHER TAKE Easy Green Chile Egg Casserole No bread! Just eggs, green chiles, bits of cheese and a surprising ingredient, cottage cheese.
- THE RECIPE White Chicken Chili An old favorite, a little lighter.
- ANOTHER TAKE Easy Turkey Chili Zero points for Weight Watchers.
- THE COLLECTION Rotisserie Chicken Recipes Pick up a chicken, voilà, that's dinner.
- & MORE Chicken Dinner Ideas Super-organized, including by breasts, thighs, legs, whole chickens and more.
Looking Ahead ...
- Fridays During Lent - Friday Fish
- March 12 - time change
- March 14 - Pi Day
- March 16 - St. Urho's Day
- March 17 - St. Patrick's Day
- March 20 - First Official Day of Spring
- April 9 - Easter
- THE COLLECTION Kitchen Parade's Fish Recipes, many Quick Suppers, many healthy meals.
- AND ANOTHER Kitchen Parade's Seafood Recipes including shrimp, oysters, lobster, crab.
- The spring time change happens next weekend! "Be ready."
- It's been so nice, waking up to morning light. The OCD part of me wants to look up exactly when it'll be that light at 6:30am again.
- THE COLLECTION Pies & Tarts, Crusts & More from a life-long pie-baker.
- HOW TO CELEBRATE #PieDayFriday week in, week out.
- THE "HOLIDAY" What, you've never heard of St. Urho's Day?! Finnlanders aren't letting the Irish have all the fun! !
- THE COLLECTION Finnish recipes
- THE COLLECTION St. Patrick's Day Recipes including fun ideas for "green food".
- ALL THE HOLIDAYS All the Holidays Year-round food for fun and celebration.
- THE COLLECTION Easter Recipes From brunch to bunny hunts and much more.
- ALL THE HOLIDAYS All the Holidays Year-round food for fun and celebration.
Looking Back ...
A Quick Peek Into a Real-Life Kitchen
Just so you know, everything's not all pretty pictures around here, in the background is a pile of dirty dishes. And just like many (all?) of us, come five o'clock, I too draw a blank about what to make for supper, despite so many recipes I so dearly love. Here's a quick peek from the last week.
- THIS WEEK Broken arms call for pudding, right? I made a double batch of an extra-rich version of this chocolate pudding when one of the twin grandsons broke his arm in two places diving for a football at school. Oi vey. Pudding helps.
- THE RECIPE Light 'n' Easy Chocolate Pudding Sweet and satisfying but won't ruin your diet.
Just Updated!
- THE COLLECTION DIY Spice Blends & Homemade Seasonings Made to order, mixed to taste.
- AND ANOTHER Easy Egg Recipes A collection of thrifty egg recipes.
Something to Read
If anyone's wondered why I haven't shared a new book or two or three in recent weeks, credit (blame?) The Deluge, Stephen Markley's 2023 book, a harrowing look at climate change.
Suffice it to say, The Deluge is a remarkable book.
First, it's one verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry loooooooooooong book, almost 41 hours in the audio version, that's 4x most books.
Second, The Deluge fits that genre of "speculative fiction" but oh my, do the present-day fiction read like real-life present-day headlines. More than that, the "tipping point" is both sooner and more horrific than all of us might have ever imagined. Most everyone we know, right? will still be alive in 2036, a mere 13 years away.
This length of time feels especially compelling to me, since the twin grandsons and my nephew's oldest are all 13 years old. It was like, well, almost yesterday when they were born. And that means that 2036 is, well, tomorrow.
The Deluge is fiction. But it's based on climate-change science, climate migration and climate economic/scientific mitigation practices and I found all of it, even when the book dragged a bit in the middle when people and policies were all subject to much wrangling, compelling.
If you fear the inertia of global institutions; if you feel helpless in the face of extreme drought and storms and fires; if you ever wonder how it'll all end, well, there is no salve here.
And this is just the beginning ...
- THE BOOK The Deluge (affiliate link) by Stephen Markley
- A REVIEW New York Times (no paywall)
- HIS FIRST BOOK Ohio looks at the impact of the war on reproductive rights from an angle I suspect none of us truly consider.
- BOOK CLUB BOOK IDEAS My Reading Group's Book List since 1994!
- NO TIME TO READ? How I Read 4X More This Year Than Last What I gave up, how I read so much, what I read.
Don't Be a Stranger ...
I'd love to hear from you. Comment, send me a quick e-mail (my current address is in the FAQs), dot-dash in Morse code, build a fire for smoke signals, launch a message in a bottle, send a Christmas letter, get the dog to yip, toss me a note wrapped in a rubberband, write a message in the sky, scratch a note in the sand, listen to a seashell, tuck a question into a plastic Easter egg, whatever.
© Copyright Kitchen Parade
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Thank you for taking a moment to write! I read each and every comment, for each and every recipe. If you have a specific question, it's nearly always answered quick-quick. But I also love hearing your reactions, your curiosity, even your concerns! When you've made a recipe, I especially love to know how it turned out, what variations you made, what you'll do differently the next time. ~ Alanna