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DIY Substitute for Baker’s Joy | ![]() |
Baking Pan Spray Made from Scratch. Just Three Ingredients & Works Like a Charm, Even for Bundt Pans. Mere Minutes to the Pan. A New Addition to The Homemade Pantry, a Kitchen Parade Specialty. Budget Friendly. Easy DIY. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real. So Useful!
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No Sugar. No Cornstarch. No Bittersweet Chocolate. No Baker's Joy. No ...
In a rush of baking last week, my usually well-stocked pantry failed me. At every turn, some critical ingredient was in short supply ... or entirely o-u-t out.
Some substitutes came easily. Brown Sugar. Potato Starch. Baking Chocolate.
But a good substitute for Baker's Joy left me stymied. A double batch of Spiced Honey Cake batter was already mixed and I well remember that even with Baker's Joy, some times the sweet cake is finicky to release. I had little confidence that even an extra-good rub of butter and flour would be enough.
Enter Equal Parts Flour + Crisco + Vegetable Oil.
Now for years, I've recommended Baker's Joy, especially for Bundt cakes. That's because Bundt cake pans have all those nooks and crannies and nothing-but-nothing helps (helped!) a Bundt cake release after baking like Baker's Joy. I even kept a reminder note in the Bundt pan!
At the same time, over the years, I plain got tired of Baker's Spray getting old, smelling a little rancid, even though I bake a lot.
And I started to question what's in Baker's Spray. Ugh. I just looked it up.
So No More.
It's so quick and easy to rub together equal parts of flour, Crisco and vegetable oil to form a smooth, spreadable paste, then just as easy to "butter" the Bundt pan with the mixture.
And an hour later? That some times sticky Spiced Honey Cake released just beautifully, even better than other times when the Bundt pan was sprayed with Baker's Joy.
Call me thrilled! Dare I say that I'm Baker's Joy-less but joyful?
You'll Love This DIY Substitute for Bakers Joy If You ...
- ... run out of baking spray just when a cake's ready for the oven
- ... find that Bakers Joy can get a little rancid
- ... wonder what's actually in Baker's Joy
- ... question the rising cost of Baker's Joy
- ... don't bake enough to justify keeping Bakers Joy on hand
- ... easily let go of single-purpose kitchen stuff Marie Kondo-style
- ... still want cakes to easily release, especially from Bundt pans
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DIY Substitute for Baker's Joy Baking Spray
Time-to-Bundt-pan: 2 minutes
- 1 part all-purpose flour
- 1 part vegetable shortening (such as Crisco)
- 1 part vegetable oil
With your fingers, blend 1 part flour and 1 part shortening (for example, 1 tablespoon of each) until the flour is well mixed in. Then mix in 1 part vegetable oil (for example, 1 tablespoon oil) until smooth and spreadable.
With your fingers, spread the mixture into a baking pan where you'd usually use Baker's Joy or another baking spray. For a Bundt pan, take extra time to reach into all the tiny nooks and crannies, spreading the mixture evenly across the entire surface. Try to avoid thick floury areas. You won't likely use it all but want to have enough to easily spread around without skimping.
MAKE-AHEAD TIPS Make only what you can use right away or at maximum within a day or two. The raw flour means we don't want to mix and store this mixture.

- Half-Size Bundt Pan – use 1 tablespoon each
- Full-Size Bundt Pan – use 2 tablespoons each
- Twelve-Cup Muffin Pan – use 2 tablespoons each
- Loaf Pan – use 1 tablespoon each

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