The Recipe: A small batch of fresh apricot jam, barely sweet and with a bare touch of rosemary and lemon. And then? No canning required! This is a rustic and fruity refrigerator jam that's super-super apricot-y. We can't get enough! ~ Skip Straight to the Recipe ~ Ah, August and September's Bounty! Last week's score was two crates of peaches and tomatoes and three quarts of apricots – all seconds, all on the cheap. Within a few hours, I cranked up the stove to make this year's batch of an old family recipe. (We call it "Sharon's Pickle" for my cousin Sharon, who loves it so much but for others I call Ripe-Tomato Relish with Peaches & Pears .) It's a project, for sure, three hours just to prep the fruits and vegetables, then some hours of cooking, then canning. If you're like me and only can every so often, reviewing my Practical Home Canning Tips is a good way to get back into the groove. Small Batch Refrigerator J...