Quick 'n' Easy Raw Salad: A Healthy Habit


So I've been thinking about how as adults, it's so easy to go through life like automatons. This easy and endless variable lunch salad is one of two new healthy habits in my life. What about yours? Thanks to the many readers who chime in with such useful ideas!

Quick 'n' Easy Raw Salad ♥ KitchenParade.com, just one daily 'healthy habit' that I hope will inspire yours, too. Weight Watchers Friendly.

Whole Food, Fresh & Flexible. Hearty & Filling. Weight Watchers Friendly. Low Carb. Naturally Gluten Free. High Protein. Great for Meal Prep.


New Healthy Habits.

Even as a kid, the to-do list Mom taped to the refrigerator door was boring and predictable. Eat a good breakfast. Brush your teeth. Make your bed. Pick up your clothes. Pick up plates after supper. No hitting your sister.

As an adult, the list is endlessly long and chews up huge chunks of our days. Mostly, we take these habits for granted, taking them on with a small sigh but without thought, without question, without a list.

But how often do we amend the to-do lists of our lives?

This time of year, new healthy habits are called New Years Resolutions. But really, is timing the problem? Last year, I developed two new healthy habits by choice without waiting for a January kickoff. Since July, two healthy habits have become so ingrained that my life feels slightly out of synch when a day is skipped.

Healthy Habit #1 – Life Learning

Inspired by the first two chapters of The Well-Educated Mind by Susan Wise Bauer, I have become a voracious reader of non-fiction for the first time in my life. (Aside: Isn’t it lucky for a writer and historian to be born with the name Wise? Ha!)

Now, most mornings I settle in to read for 30 minutes. At first, it felt like reading was what happened before starting my day. Now that reading time IS the start to my day.

What seems to matter most about my "reading time" is the simplicity of ritual. No e-mail or Facebook beforehand. The dog, the cat nearby. A cup of coffee. No radio, no music, no distractions. A comfortable chair. No clock to watch though I set a timer for 30 minutes.

Healthy Habit #2 – A Healthy Lunch.

My fridge is now home to a container of fresh vegetables for a lunch salad, raw and crunchy and oh-so-satisfying. I add leftover protein, a little cheese, a little fruit and a little dressing and savor every single bite. The specifics of my salad is of little consequence except to my stomach - yours would be different. But eating this go-to salad every single day now feels so important to my physical and mental health.

Readers' Healthy-Habit Goals

When this recipe first went live, readers shared their own goals for healthy habits in comments. They're fascinating, don't miss them at the end of this page.

Why a Daily Lunch Salad Works for Me

  • It's so much "the same", there's no need to even think about what's for lunch.
  • It's so much "different every time," that I don't get bored.
  • I actually look forward to this salad, every single day!
  • It's a great Work from Home lunch but also carries easily.
  • It's portable! Think lunch on the back porch or lunch on a park bench.
  • It can be made on the spot or meal-prepped for the week.
  • It uses up odd bits in the fridge, vegetables, cheeses, herbs.
  • It leans heavily on fresh vegetables and leafy greens.
  • It requires real chewing, forcing me to slow down and take a break.
  • It includes small portions of cheese and fruit, both which are too easy for me to overdo, but kinda serve as a "dessert" right inside a salad.
  • It's a good reason to buy (and then use up) fresh vegetables.
  • Few dishes! Just a cutting board and knife plus a mixing/eating container.
  • The routine makes any exception to the routine (lunch out, another lunch choice) even more special.

Bookmark! PIN! Share!

How do you save and share favorite recipes? recipes that fit your personal cooking style? a particular recipe your mom or daughter or best friend would just love? If this healthy salad concept hits the mark, go ahead, save and share! I'd be honored ...

Quick 'n' Easy Raw Salad ♥ KitchenParade.com, my own healthy habit that I hope will inspire yours, too.


Hands-on time: 10 minutes
Time to table: 10 minutes
Serves 1, easily multiplied
  • Small handful of dark leafy greens
  • 2-3 cups raw chopped vegetables
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  • 1 square inch cheese, cubed small
  • 1 piece of fruit, chopped small
  • Fresh parsley, cilantro or garden herbs
  • Lean protein, optional
  • A touch of salad dressing, optional

BOWL For clean-up convenience, use a bowl the right size for stirring and serving the salad. To carry to work, think about how to separately store the dressing for adding later; another idea is to put the dressing at the bottom of the carrying container, followed by the vegetables, the greens, etc..

GREENS Think dark leafy greens, spinach and arugula are my favorites.

VEGETABLES Think crunch – radishes, cucumber, zucchini, bell pepper but don’t forget about unusual choices like turnip and jicama. Shoot for a mix of color and texture. It’s easy to over buy so I will occasionally pick up a few vegetables from the grocery’s salad bar.

ONION Just one green onion makes all the difference between a "blah" salad and an "aha" salad.

CHEESE My favorites are feta and blue cheese crumbles, something slightly creamy with a big taste.

FRUIT This adds a touch of sweetness, a good contrast.

FRESH LEAVES Herbs add brightness that add so much to all the vegetables, favorites are cilantro, dill, parsley and mint, nearly always just the herb on hand at the time.

LEAN PROTEIN A good way to use up leftovers, a few small bites are plenty. If there are cooked eggs in the fridge, they're great.

SALAD DRESSING My guilty convenience is fat-free Italian dressing but often I make my own salad dressing (usually My Everyday Creamy Herb Salad Dressing) or toss it all into a messy bowl with a protein-rich cottage cheese.

Calories will vary widely but I usually count the vegetables and fruit as “free” and count calories or Weight Watchers points only for the cheese and protein. That said, I'll take a swag here, just to see. I'm excluding the protein and salad dressing.

NUTRITION INFORMATION Per Serving: 102 Calories; 2g Tot Fat; 2g Sat Fat; 8mg Cholesterol; 191mg Sodium; 18g Carb; 6g Fiber; 10g Sugar; 6g Protein. WEIGHT WATCHERS Old Points 1 & PointsPlus 3 & SmartPoints 4 & Freestyle 1 & myWW green 1 & blue 1 & purple 1 & future WW points

More Healthy Food Habits

How & Why to Cook Oatmeal Every Day ♥ KitchenParade.com, easy make-ahead oatmeal recipes plus reasons why to make oatmeal a morning ritual.
  • THE RECIPES Oatmeal How and why to cook oatmeal every day, with three recipes.
  • ANOTHER TAKE Creamy Oatmeal Three tricks for the very best oatmeal, all easy!

Quick Broccoli (or Cauliflower) Soup ♥ KitchenParade.com, fast, delicious soup made with five ingredients.

How to Steam Eggs ♥ KitchenParade.com. Simple technique for soft-cooked and hard-cooked eggs at the same time.

Kitchen Parade is written by second-generation food columnist Alanna Kellogg and features fresh, seasonal dishes for every-day healthful eating and occasional indulgences. Quick Suppers are Kitchen Parade favorites and feature recipes easy on the budget, the clock, the waistline and the dishwasher. Do you have a favorite recipe that other Kitchen Parade readers might like? Just send me a quick e-mail, you'll find my current address in the FAQs. How to print a Kitchen Parade recipe. Never miss a recipe! If you like this recipe, sign up for a free e-mail subscription. If you like Kitchen Parade, for more scratch cooking recipes using whole, healthful ingredients, you're sure to like my food blog about vegetable recipes, too, A Veggie Venture. If you make this recipe, I'd love to know your results! Just leave a comment below.

© Copyright Kitchen Parade
2011, 2015, 2019, 2020 & 2023

Alanna Kellogg
Alanna Kellogg

A Veggie Venture is home of "veggie evangelist" Alanna Kellogg and the famous asparagus-to-zucchini Alphabet of Vegetables.


  1. My healthy Habit this year is to walk 30 min a day. even if I just walk around the house.

  2. I liked the facebook page and posted.

  3. My healthy habit this year was to refill my reusable water container at night to take with me to work in the morning. I would like to add to my healthy habits this year by portioning out snacks as soon as I buy them, dividing them into tupperware containers or plastic baggies to take with me to work, so that I don't end up eating more than I should.

  4. Jan C.1/02/2011

    Eat less processed food and be more mindful in my eating.

  5. Jan C.1/02/2011

    Posted on Facebook.

  6. Jan C.1/02/2011

    Already subscribe to feed and email.

  7. My healthy habit this year is to include more protein.

  8. My healthy habit this year is to eat more protein in various forms.

  9. My healthy eating habit is lower the sodium. There is so much sodium added to everything, from bread to cookies, but exists naturally in many foods as well, such as celery! One can reduce sodium by first using sea salt which has less sodium and has minerals that assist in flavour enhancing as much as salt. Last year, I canned tomatoes with no salt, but added herbs and garlic instead. Made cream of tomato soup with them without adding any salt. My friend thought it was a bit salty! Other ways are to use herbs or celery in salting your soup or spicing it up with the endless range of hot peppers out there now. Bragg, a liquid low sodium soy seasoning is superb in stir-frys, soups and stews. In all my bread, cookie, cake and pie recipes I practically eliminate the salt entirely. A pinch of sea salt, which to me tastes saltier than regular table salt, rather than the 1/2 teaspoon or so in many baking recipes.
    Cream of Tomato Soup
    One can/jar of tomatoes pureed. Add 1 T of cream stir and heat, add white pepper or other herbs to taste. Could sprinkle with a little cheese or some croutons. musart AT shaw in Canada.

  10. Anonymous1/02/2011

    My Health Habit this year is to seriously continue two of the three I started in 2010. Curves (=[), walking AND the most exciting HH, Raw food smoothies. I started with a "really, really, you've got to be kidding" attitude. However, It has been an education as well as enjoyable beyond expectations. See greensmoothiegirl.com. There are a host of raw food sites available. My favorite site, however, "Kitchen Parade". I spend hours scrolling through the Kitchen. Thank you Alanna.
    D of Georgia thelawasis dotdotdotcom

  11. Anonymous1/02/2011

    My Health Habit this year is to seriously continue two of the three I started in 2010. Curves (=[), walking AND the most exciting HH, Raw food smoothies. I started with a "really, really, you've got to be kidding" attitude. However, It has been an education as well as enjoyable beyond expectations. See greensmoothiegirl.com. There are a host of raw food sites available. My favorite site, however, "Kitchen Parade". I spend hours scrolling through the Kitchen. Thank you Alanna.
    D of Georgia thelawasis dotdotdotcom

  12. My Healthy Habit this year is to plan my meals weekly so that I can have the supplies on hand when it comes to meal preparation and snacks.

  13. Anonymous1/02/2011

    Drink more water throughout the day is a new habit I strive to have.

  14. My healthy habit..quit the alcohol. Completely.

  15. I like to have a zero to low point soup everyday. Salads are fine during the summer but there is nothing like a warm bowl of comforting soup the rest of the year.

  16. I strive to drink more water throughout the day.

  17. Susan Korstanje1/02/2011

    I'm getting my husband to join me in a healthy daily exercise habit. Each day I download a different set of exercises from an online site, and we do them together.
    BTW, I would love to win the scale. I considered ordering it after you recommended it in an earlier blog, but it's not available on amazon.ca, only the US site.
    Susan -- skorstanje at shaw dot ca

  18. Susan Korstanje1/02/2011

    I just shared the Kitchen Parade link on Facebook.
    Susan -- skorstanje at shaw dot ca

  19. Anonymous1/02/2011


    Just reading your blog today inspires me! Our healthy new habit is to plan meals a week in advance, so we can visit Soulard or another farmers' market to purchase ingredients -- or, better, go into the wild and gather them. Our first planned-ahead meal will be dinner tonight -- shrimp and grits.

  20. In 2011, I would like to develop the healthy habit of eating vegetables or fruit at every meal. My email is alissabess at gmail dot com.

  21. My healthy habit this year is to write down everything I eat and watch portion sizes by weighing and measuring. So a new kitchen scale would fit right in.

  22. I am an email subscriber to Kitchen Parade.

  23. I am an email subscriber to Veggie Venture.

  24. I need to get back in the habit of drinking more water. Weight Watchers taught me it's one of my best defenses. Also need to get back into doing regular exercise.

  25. My healthy habit this year is...to eat more oatmeal. I really, really love the peanutbutter oatmeal recipe that I found here. I make it in weekly batches and bring it in to work. Soo Yummy. :)
    prof.noriega AT gmail DOT com

    BTW I love your recipes!! and I could put that scale to good use.

  26. My Health Habit this year is to continue to discover my intuitive eating patterns and try new foods that are whole and unprocessed.

  27. Susan K1/02/2011

    Your reading resolution resonates with me. In response to your request, I can recommend any of the last three non-work-related nonfiction books I have read:
    -The Vinyl Cafe Notebooks by Stuart McLean (musings on life, travel, people, memories. . .)
    -The Wave by Susan Casey (about giant waves and their effect on shipping, surfing. . . fascinating, with cool pics.)
    -Reading Lolita In Tehran (by an Iranian woman who was a professor of English literature during the transition to the Islamic Republic of Iran) This book is the "heaviest" of the three, but if you appreciate literature, it's well worth the read.
    Susan -- skorstanje at shaw dot ca

  28. Anonymous1/03/2011

    My important healthy habit for 2011 is to plan menus ahead so that I've always got my Weight Watchers points figured out. Eat every meal without it coming from a drive- thru. And EXERCISE almost daily. hmatthews@rocketmail.com

  29. Theresa1/03/2011

    I joined weight watchers so I'm hoping I gain lots of new habits

  30. Laurie Blackshear1/03/2011

    This will sound funny but my new healthy habit is to grow at least one vegetable each growing season! I managed to get two types of lettuce and some broccoli planted for a fall garden. It has been so much fun harvesting for meals. Tomatoes are right around the corner!

  31. My healthy change to make this year is to drop high fructose corn syrup from my family's diet.

  32. Anonymous1/03/2011

    My healthy habit is to eat dinner at the table rather than mindlessly snacking in front of the TV at night.

  33. Anonymous1/03/2011

    My healthy habit this year is to make sure I get enough water daily. I tend to get busy and forget, but I'm getting better.

  34. In 2011, I would like to develop the healthy habit of eating more fruits and veggies, organic if possible.
    I know that I do not eat enough and I want to incorporate more into my diet and my families diet.

  35. My healthy habit this year is to put myself first.

    If I put myself first, then I don't feel guilty about going to gym after dinner.

    If I put myself first, then I will make better food choices.

    If I put myself first, then I will get in shape and lose weight.

    If I put myself first, then I will become a runner.

    sarnell18 AT gmail DOT com

  36. "Liked" your Facebook page.

  37. "Following" you on Twitter.


  38. Posted to my Facebook wall @10:27 am

  39. I tweeted @10:27 am


  40. My healthy habits are running as much as possible (ran one marathon in December and will run another in February) and eating in moderation.

  41. My important healthy habit is to cook with more local, organic ingredients and eat in at least six days a week.

    (ashleyso2030 AT gmail DOT com)

  42. My healthy habit is going to be to increase the cooking and limit the number of times I eat out each week. I live alone and sometimes have trouble motivating myself to cook for only myself. So, I will either just eat something that is at the house (half a package of graham crackers has been dinner before) or go grab something out.
    jolene dot miesner at gmail.com

  43. Going on long walks after dinner.

  44. My healthy habit has been instead of having some sweet late night snack, if I need something it's a small salad, filling yet light.

  45. In 2011 I have started having a snack of a cup of broth and a piece of fruit before every meal. I am already finding it helps me with appetite control.

    hannahphi at gmail dot com

  46. t and c seeger at hotmail dot com1/04/2011

    My important healthy habit is eating several meals a day to keep energy levels up.

  47. My 2011 healthy habit is finally giving up the water in plastic bottles from the store. I also threw away all my old water bottles and replaced them with BPA free bottles. I have also lowered my sodium consumption.

    tinkerbelle04 at gmail dot com

  48. I subscribe to Veggie Venture by email.

    tinkerbelle04 at gmail dot com

  49. My healthy habit for 2011 is to take better care of myself, in every way possible, through food, exercise, creative outlets.

  50. My healthy habit for 2011 is to get better at meal planning. We already eat pretty healthy but I find our grocery bill a lot higher than I would like due mostly to the fact I am not very organized and don't generally plan ahead!!


    Lrimerman at comcast dot net

  51. My important healthy habit is walking. It puts me in a good mood!

  52. My goal this year is to eat more fresh and less processed foods - that scale would rock my world :)

    Elised (at) gmail (dot) com

  53. Emily3801/04/2011

    In 2011, my healthy habit will be to expand my horizons beyond cereal for breakfast. I'm hoping to encorporate oatmeal, quinoa, and fruit and vegetable smooties.

  54. My healthy habit is to drink at least a gallon of water a day including on the weekends.

  55. This year my intention is to drink more water everyday. Thanks for your great recipes...

  56. My healthy habit this year is to lower my carbon footprint.

  57. Lauren1/04/2011

    My healthy habit for 2011 is one that I used to do but have fallen away from in the last few years because of my hectic schedule in graduate school. I want to increase the number of fruits and veggies I eat, stop eating a lot of the frozen dinners, and eat three meals and healthy snacks throughout the day. I always felt better when I did these things and loved food more than I currently do. Frozen meals and fast food just are not as satisfying. Currenlty I eat a lot of junk when I have time and often a complete "meal" is a frozen dinner. Thanks for your continued support and encouragement through both of your blogs. lbm43b at mizzou dot edu

  58. Walk at least 2 miles a day

    Continue with healthy raw salad at every meal, continue 100 oz of water and food journaling to add for 2011 - portion control - weigh and measure everything! This is one reason the scale would be so helpful. My eyeing of portions is not working so I need to do this. Also 10 - 20 min toning and 30 min of walking 5 days a week.

  60. My healthy habits for 2011 is to be more aware of whatever I eat. No more mindless eating or snacking. Practice portion control! (gosh I am bad at that)

    I recently joined WW on line, so I am using the points tracker and trying to remember to add up my points very single day. So far, so good.

    klharding at cableone dot net

  61. Panda Queu1/04/2011

    My most important healthy habit in 2011 will be to WALK to the bus stop (1.5 miles round trip). It's just far enough to be a little inconvenient to walk to, but there's really no excuse.


  62. Carol M.1/04/2011

    My new habit I want to adopt is to quit the mindless eating. I don't have to "finish off" leftovers if I'm not hungry, eat something I don't really care for just because it's there, or eat when I'm bored or feeling something other than hunger. My email is cmoser at emory dot edu. Thanks for your contest and happy new year, Alanna!

  63. Debra G1/04/2011

    My healthy habit for 2011 is cooking with Virgin Coconut Oil (a high quality one). My husband and I just lost 130 pounds between us, and we recently switched to using VCO. It is helping us maintain our weight. Other healthy changes include sea salt instead of table salt; almond milk instead of dairy; Eggland's Best eggs instead of regular eggs; and less processed foods and more whole foods.

  64. My important healthy habit this year is to make sure that I drink more water and take care of myself. I always make sure that my family is well cared for and sometimes I forget to look after myself.

  65. My healthy habit is to drink more water each day and to learn to tap dance! I love receiving Kitchen Parade and Veggie Venture by e-mail. Thanks!

  66. My healthy habit that I started last year was walking/working out. Started very slowly but got up to four very fast miles. I lost 80lbs! So I want to and am continuing my weight loss journey this year.

  67. My healthy habit is meal planning so I can make sure to have healthful, veggie-filled meals rather than just pulling out the box of dried pasta yet again.

  68. Well, on my first comment forgot to leave my email - have to fix that. I just shared the link on FB to tell everyone about your site (#1) and about the contest (#2). Eating healthy can be challenging at first but I think it gets easier, like all other habits. my email (almost forgot!) ecothriftymom AT comcast dot net

  69. Water, water, water
    Dkbower AT gmail DOT com

  70. Anonymous1/04/2011

    my healthy habit is to exercise 3 times a week and try and eliminate processed foods

  71. Anonymous1/04/2011

    My healthy habit is to eat more raw veggies and prepare them ahead of time so they're always ready for a snack.

    darby3451 at yahoo dot ca

  72. Anonymous1/04/2011

    I am an e-mail subscriber to Veggie Venture.

    darby3451 at yahoo dot ca

  73. Anonymous1/04/2011

    I liked the facebook page.

    darby3451 at yahoo dot ca

  74. I shared this on facebook. linmaine@hotmail.com

  75. My healthy habit - going back to weight watchers, and eating 'lower to the ground' - healthier with fresh ingredients - preferably organic!

  76. HA! I was just thinking this morning - I need to buy 2 scales one for my body and one for my food! So, measuring things better is my goal - food, weight & blood sugar. And taking up walking with my hubby. Foot problems have kept us both sidelined for several months and it is really affecting us. Catherine twokeltoi AT msn DOT com

  77. Anonymous1/04/2011

    My 2011 Healthy Habit is to STOP SNACKING.

  78. Susana G.1/04/2011

    I want to move more in 2011: walks and free weights daily. I want to eat better in 2011: veggies and or fruits at every meal, beans daily and yogurt daily. And i, too, love reading mind and spirit expanding books daily :>))

  79. Healthy habit for 2011 is portion control and no nibbling between meals! I already subscribe to Veggie Ventures on line and like the vegetable recipes.

  80. Shawnee1/04/2011

    My healthy habit this year is to eat a minimum of one vegetarian meal a day and eat "clean" whenever possible! My goal is to spend my Sundays preparing healthy and freezable meals I can eat all week!

  81. My healthy habit is to return to Weight Watchers (lifetime member but added about 8 pounds over the last 2 years) and re-start those healthy habits I developed when I lost the weight the first time.
    page7fam at verizon dot com.

  82. My healthy habit is one I started about 6 months ago - a big breakfast in the morning, including lots of protein, some whole grain carbs and a small dessert. The rest of the day - lots of veggies - "A" veggies that are low in carbs and some "B" veggies like carrots, squash, beets that have more carbs, 2 or 3 fruits, and lean protein. This is the only food plan I have ever been on that I feel totally satisfied after a meal AND no craving for sweets. I love it! And so does my partner. We have both even lost weight without really trying.

  83. Anonymous1/04/2011

    My new Healthy Habit will be to faithfully follow this Veggie Venture and to read the comments and put these great ideas to work for me. 1-Walking more 2. Yoga 3. More veggies (altho my husband and I are mostly veggie lovers) 4. Juat more water, less Diet Coke and 5. No New Year resolution--just good and healty eating for the year.

  84. My healthy habit this year is to eat breakfast every morning!

  85. Anonymous1/04/2011

    My healthy habit this year is to MOVE more!

  86. My goal is to start small and then work up. I want to start by going to the gym 3x a week. Eventually I want to work up to 6x.

  87. My healthy habit is to fill a 32 oz Mason jar w/water and drink it by lunch time.

  88. My healthy habit this year is to stop eating when I'm satisfied. I don't have to finish my plate and I don't have to feel guilty if I throw away what's left. Hopefully soon I'll start to realize that I don't need to put so much food on my plate, but that hasn't happened yet! But I'd rather the end of my plate went in the compost rather than on my hips!

  89. In 2011, I would like to develop the healthy habit of eating more fish

    iamkarlam at yahoo dot com

  90. I am going to walk more this year and watch my portions.

  91. our family's healthy habit this year is to start a vegetable garden!

  92. Anonymous1/04/2011

    My healthy habit for 2011 would be getting to the gym at least 3 times a week.

    lahhough at cox dot net

  93. Anonymous1/04/2011

    My healthy habit this year to is eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day! It seems really easy to do, but, for some reason it was a issue last year. Now, with the new points plus ww you can have all the fruits and veggies free of points, it's a no brainer! cjwindowco@aol.com
    Thanks for all the great recipes!

  94. Anonymous1/04/2011

    This year I am going to deal with my food intolerance's...good-bye gluten, corn and eggs! I am in need of a dietary overhaul so here I go! Thank you for being a wonderful resource
    Sincerely, Kathleen

  95. In 2011, I would like to develop the healthy habit of - logging all my food I eat, start & keep doing my Zumba classes, and do more strength training.

    I am working on getting my cholesterol down and my vitamin D up. I also got a PUR water pitcher for Christmas and I am bringing water to work so that I am drinking more water.


  96. Anonymous1/04/2011

    I will prepare two vegetables with dinner more often than not, in place of potatoes, rice, or pasta.

  97. The food scale would be awesome in helping me attain my healthy habit of weighing and measuring my food portions in 2011. I have given up 19 lbs. following Weight Watchers and plan on reaching a healthy weight this year! Thanks for the opportunity to win the food scale :)

  98. 2011 is the year I take responsibility for my health; diet, exercise, doctor visits/checkups, stress-management, personal growth, interpersonal growth. I will pursue interests and strengthen current bonds. Realize life is lived one day at a time. Amen!

  99. Anonymous1/04/2011

    My healthy habit is to always bring a 64 fl. oz. bottle of water to work and make it a point to finish the entire bottle by the end of the day. I have noticed a great difference since I had started this (I was pregnant and I wanted to be good to my baby!) so I have continued it to this day.

  100. Anonymous1/04/2011

    My healthy habit has been to bring a 64 fl. oz. bottle of water to work and drinking the entire contents before the end of the day. I have noticed a big difference since I started this (when I got pregnant and I wanted to be good to my baby who is now a beautiful 15 month old girl!) so I have continued this habit to this day.

    (From: stellab DOT is AT gmail DOT com)

  101. Vanessa1/04/2011

    I am an email subscriber...I love your blog!!

  102. i am a lazy person who does 20 minutes a day on my rowing machine . . . if I feel like it. But I have changed my eating habits over the past year and plan to improve some more.

    Favorites -- in the warmer months, a smoothie with everything in the refrigerator that sounds good to me. Berries, nuts, ground flax seed, good hearty (i.e. nasty tasting) greens, a little juice for flavor or some really tasty powders (green super foods is one, you can use anything -- one even comes in chocolate flavor and isn't bad), banana -- it's very free form. Remember, I am LAZY.

    Winter lunch is a modified Waldorf Salad -- apple, orange, celery, ground flax seed, nuts of any persuasion, maybe granola (a little sprinkling), banana, papaya, berries, whatever fruit rings your chimes, cinnamon and non-fat Greek yogurt. Again, think lazy and simple.
    This can even do for dinner of you're really running late. I add a piece of homemade whole wheat bread because I love bread.

    Breakfast is so easy -- either oatmeal with all the fixings or one egg, one toast, one non-fat latte.

    I do believe that simple is best, especially on those days when you don't really give a rat's patootie or you're busy or lazy or whatever. And something sweet makes me feel better about everything, so I usually go with a piece of dark chocolate (new favorite -- dark chocolate bar with sea salty, easy to break off a square and be quite happy) or a Weight Watchers chocolate covered raspberry ice cream bar or whatever they're called. They are quite tasty and make you feel wicked good.

    And blowing your plan on Monday doesn't mean that you have a whole week to blow so that you can start again on the following Monday . . . just relax and get back on the horse.l

  103. My healthy habit this year is to reduce my carbs and get more exercise. I've already lost 80 pounds on low-carb, but those pounds are starting to creep back, and even though I still eat low-carb, those carbs are creeping up I think! I have subscribed to your e-amil for awhile now and enjoy many of your recipes. Do current subscribers get a second chance at the scale or only new subscribers? A new kitchen scale would be awesome - my old one is on its last legs!

    lindart AT bellnet dot ca

  104. In 2011, my healthy habit will be to walk to work every day, and walk home on the days that I don't have exercise class. I will take the bus home on class days.

  105. I'm a newly diagnosed diabetic so getting healthy is no option!! I'm embracing it!!
    Adamsca at me dot com

  106. For 2011 we will lower our sugar intake.

    Mamasimpson4 at yahoo dot com

  107. I am a follower!
    adamsca at me dot com

  108. I went to your FB site and "liked" it.
    I hope that's right..:)

    Adamsca at me dot com

  109. Anonymous1/04/2011

    My Healthy Habit this year is to exercise 5 days a week for one hour. It is good for my body and my mind! jeffandjen AT fuse DOT net

  110. I'm going to give canning a try this year!
    sebjusa AT gmail DOT com

  111. Anonymous1/04/2011

    I forgot my email addy shame on me.

    alewis5162 at aol dot com

  112. Rachel Burwell1/04/2011

    My healthy habit is to try a couple new classes at the gym and eliminate even more processed foods from my diet while increasing locally grown seasonal foods. rburwellatmchsidotcom

  113. My healthy habit for 2011 is to reach for healthy snacks and avoid the cookies. Yes, give up meh cookies for fruit, carrots, etc. It's about time - and my health!

  114. Already subscribe to the feed/email.

  115. Tweeted about this from @Mama_Says

  116. Anonymous1/04/2011

    My healthy habit for this year is to get out and exercise more and try to hit a yoga class once a week.

  117. Anonymous1/04/2011

    I am subscribed to Kitchen Parade!

  118. Anonymous1/04/2011

    As well, subscribed to VeggieVenture too!

    rseuler at hotmail dot com

  119. My healthy habit is to schedule my personal trainer time as one of my appointments with my husband who is a personal trainer so that I make it in to the gym. When we've let it just "play by ear," half the time I end up not making it because it's not scheduled. Now, I have it in my book, it's an actual appointment with his time & mine being scheduled & accounted for. I have no excuses.
    DMichelleNorris at aol dot com

  120. Check out this Healthy New Salad to start a Healthy New Habit this New Year! http://tinyurl.com/2aggsxn

    Twittered my Twitter Username is EclecticKitchen

    DMichelleNorris at aol dot com

  121. Facebooked:
    Love this blog...Alanna has some great info about vegetables, techniques & great dishes to not continuously have the same old, same old. Here's a great recipe to start off the New Year & new Healthy Habits!!


    DMichelleNorris at aol dot com

  122. Joellen F1/04/2011

    My healthy habit this year is to do more meal planning and drink more water.

    joellen at fosterium dot net

  123. Rosemary1/05/2011

    I am a subscriber to both Kitchen parade and a veggie Venture. cooked a lot of the recipes, plan to eat more veggies and walk as much as I can this year. also told all my friends about this web site. Rosemary

  124. Anonymous1/05/2011

    First of all, I love your recipes, especially the red lentil soup. My healthy habit is: No more white flour, and to only eat when I am hungry.

  125. My healthy habit is having healthy snacks available all day. I pretty much eat from morning to night, but they are healthy foods in healthy sizes. I also always have something to drink (usually tea or coffee because my office is freezing!

  126. My healthy habit this year is to eat more fruits and veggies! And to bolster that, I resolve to keep up with this resolution, and stay with it even when I get distracted... which happens way too often!

  127. My healthy habit is to make a big batch of low calorie soup, portion it out into silicone muffin pans, and freeze it. Once frozen I pop it into zip lock bags. This way I have a quick and easy soup handy to nuke in the microwave.
    I also do this with rice and chilli.

  128. My healthy habit to continue started on May 31, 2010, when we adopted 2 rescued "retired" greyhounds. House dogs, but athletic, intelligent and inquisitive, they need to walk 3-4 times per day, 15+ minutes each walk, or they become bored and start to get into mischief (big and fast, the dogs and the mischief). Nothing like a pair of eager companions to get you out walking in any kind of weather or mood.

    Taking usually 3 of the daily turns at walking, plus following a WW-like eating habit (thus interest in scale!), has helped me lose 18 pounds so far. The dogs relaxed and bonded into our family, after a rather rough past. 14 yr-old daughter, the faithful assistant walker, has also slimmed down. And it's great to do this together with her (and sometimes even husband/dad joins in, as well as son when he's home from college). So this is many-faceted important habit for the whole family!
    picciano at bellsouth dot net

  129. In 2011, I want to try new and exciting ways to exercise.

  130. My husband and I had a long serious talk about not going on a diet but changing our life styles. Portion control and we are going to "food spot" each other

  131. I thoroughly enjoy your posts and recipes as we all journey together on the WW journey.

    Recommend reading Swith by Chip Heath and Dan Heath. I had just finished it before WW anounced their eating plan changes. Reading Switch - the changes made perfect sense.

  132. My healthiest habit of the past several years is drinking lots and lots of water; my healthy habit for 2011 is to walk more.

  133. Anonymous1/05/2011

    A healthy habit I'm starting to practice is slowing down while I eat. Pausing here and there to savour food, instead of wolfing down all of that deliciousness too quickly!

  134. Lifting weights--twice a week! Just did today.

    ruth [dot] a [dot] page [at] gmail [dot] com

  135. 2011 is the year to cook more from scratch - shop the outside of the grocery store and leave all the processed 'quick' fixin's there.

    The other plan is to find someone to share with when the baking urge overtakes me.

    deb97352 AT gmail DOT com

  136. My healthy habit it to follow weight watchers and also start running!

  137. My Healthy Habit this year is to have a green smoothie every day. This way I am certain to have a good nutritional start to my day.

  138. I absolutely love your blog! Thanks for all the inspiration and great recipes. Have a great 2011, I look forward to your posts!!!

  139. My important healthy habit this year is to freeze easy/healthy meals when I have the time so I don't resort to pizza and mac & cheese when it comes to crunch time!

  140. For sure it's to keep up the habit is cooking from scratch and to use my kettle bell more often!

  141. Anonymous1/07/2011

    My healthy habit is to always have a "basic salad" in the fridge. I have nothing against the pre-made salad mixes, but they are expensive and don't seem to have a long shelf life.
    I make my own . . . one that lasts for at least four days, by using what I call 'dry' ingredients.
    I use Romaine Hearts and spin them more than I would if the salad was to be eaten immediatly.
    I add red onion or geen onions, radishes and mushrooms and any other 'dry' vegetables that I have on hand.

    I then place a strip of paper towel on top.

    This mixture stays crunchie and fresh for at least four days when kept in a good quality plastic container with lid.

    It is so convenient for my husband and I to serve ourselves a basic salad and then top it with the 'wet' ingredients . . . tomatoes, cucumber, bean sprouts, feta cheese, capers . . . the list goes on forever.

    I'm not a lazy person, but I'm not sure that I would make a salad every single day. This way, we have salad at least once a day.

    Regards and thanks for a great website.


    lesley underscore howie at sympatico dot dot ca

  142. I'd like to adapt the habit of cooking more in-season produce! Learning how to actually use all those root vegetables! lybberts@yahoo.com

  143. Linda Ferris1/08/2011

    I force myself to eat a whole carrot before I eat any meal or snack. Not cute little baby carrots, a BIG, OLD CARROT! Rather than eat the carrot, I'll skip the cookie I really want. Seems to work for me.

  144. My New Healthy Habit for 2011 is to drink more water ... it's a challenge for me to get that ball rolling, but it's worth the effort!

    mel AT onethelevelkc DOT com

  145. My healthy goal is to just eat less crap (Taco Bell, Sonic, etc.) and to cook more. As a college student, it's sometimes difficult to budget both my time and money, and I do have a pretty hectic schedule, but there are plenty of healthy foods I could and should be eating instead of, well, crap.

  146. My healthy habit is to walk more & bike to work.

  147. My healthy habit for 2011 is to reduce my salt and use sea salt

  148. My healthy habit this year is to be more conscious of the foods I eat in front of my two little ones (2 and 4 months). I want to make sure everything I put in my mouth is something I don't mind putting in theirs. I want to raise healthy beautiful children!

  149. My healthy habit for all time is, Drink more water throughout the day and eat oatmeal for breakfast everyday. I need to get back into doing pilates and yoga. there are some stuff i can't measure without a scale and i bake a lot so your scale would really help me out to lose weight and keep my body healthy.

  150. Marianne Russell1/20/2011

    My healthy habit this year is to eat as much local food as I can. I've already drawn the family into eating whole grains, more legumes, little or no processed foods - but now I'd like to challenge myself and see how much I can do locally. Of course, that's healthy local - not local as in the local fudge shop!

  151. Alanna,
    I love what you are doing here! I do so much of the same, shop local farm, veggies and more veggies! Exercise by doing zumba, love to read, sew. I have 3 children from a previous marriage, and remarried 7+ years with two more steps who I love dearly! (range in age from 26 down to 11!) I cook everything from scratch, and am now 55+ years old. I have found another source of inspiration... right here! Can't wait to read more. Going out right now to buy veggies for vegetable soup!


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Thank you for taking a moment to write! I read each and every comment, for each and every recipe. If you have a specific question, it's nearly always answered quick-quick. But I also love hearing your reactions, your curiosity, even your concerns! When you've made a recipe, I especially love to know how it turned out, what variations you made, what you'll do differently the next time. ~ Alanna