Savory Orange Slices |
Salad for Spring or Summer A simple and surprising orange salad — really, why relegate oranges to breakfast?! ~ Skip Straight to the Recipe ~ This recipe is so quick and easy that I'm adding it to a special collection of easy summer recipes published every summer since 2009. Watch for new "summer easy" recipes all summer long! With a free e-mail subscription , you'll never miss a one! COMPLIMENTS! "Delightful." ~ Pauline "Yumm!" ~ Melanie The Family Grove In the 1950s, my Minnesota grandparents bought a place in Florida and flew south in a fast ’53 Ford to become snowbirds. Now if the words "place in Florida" conjure up something grand, think again. The place was a sandy patch parked with a small trailer with one bedroom and a pull-out couch in the living area. After my grandfather died, Gramma walked the beach for long hours, finding solace in the sea shells that washed up along the Gulf Coast....